Reference guide for dealerships

We don’t need to tell you how fast the transportation industry is evolving, and how your customers are dealing with the challenges of carbon tax, increased emissions reduction requirements and volatile fuel prices.

Our team is working with dealerships to help customers make the transition from gasoline- or diesel-fuelled trucks to cleaner, more cost-effective natural gas-fuelled trucks.

Let us help you and your customers stay ahead of the curve, enjoying all the benefits of natural gas fuel:

Cost benefits of natural gas fuel

  1. Fuel cost-savings: Compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) cost up to 50 per cent less than diesel.1 So while buying a new CNG or LNG-fuelled truck is an up-front investment, it’s one that will pay off quickly. Try our fuel cost calculator to get an idea of how much your customers can save with CNG or LNG.
  2. Less carbon tax: Natural gas fuel is still subject to the carbon tax, but at a lower rate. Learn more about the B.C. government’s Renewable & Low Carbon Fuel Requirements Regulation.
  3. Carbon credits: Because customers are reducing emissions by using a lower carbon fuel, they may be eligible for carbon credits they can sell. Learn more about the B.C. motor fuel tax and carbon tax.
  4. No diesel exhaust fluid or other emissions controls needed: CNG vehicles do not need an emissions control system to meet environmental standards. They do not need diesel particle filters or selective catalytic reduction systems to comply.

Other key benefits of natural gas fuel

  • Emissions reductions: Compared with diesel vehicles, natural gas vehicles emit up to 30 per cent fewer greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, up to 95 per cent fewer nitrogen oxides, and they emit virtually no particulate matter.2
    Looking to the future, we’re increasing our supply of renewable gases so we can offer customers greater GHG emissions reductions in the years to come.

  • Quieter engines: Natural gas truck engines are quieter than diesel engines of a comparable size.3
  • Lower maintenance costs: With fewer emissions components and a cleaner-burning fuel that generates less wear-and-tear on some engine components, CNG truck owners should expect less vehicle maintenance and downtime.3

Natural gas fuelling stations

There are several CNG and LNG fuelling stations in B.C. If your customers wish to build their own, we offer fuelling station design and construction services.

Natural gas for transportation recommended resources

Marketing assistance

We want to help your customers spread the news about their investment in natural gas as a fuel, helping B.C. to reduce emissions. We’ll work with them to get ‘Fuelled by natural gas’ truck decals, among other initiatives.

Questions? We’re here to help.

Email us at [email protected]

Fuel costs based on FortisBC rates as of October 2020, and average cost of diesel per litre in B.C. as of October 2020.

2 Northwest Gas Association, Natural gas facts – page 15.

3 Northwest Gas Association, NGV's Emissions Brief