Pipeline and/or right of way works application

A permit is required1 if you're working within 10 metres of a high pressure pipeline, working inside a FortisBC statutory right of way, or your work involves preloading, blasting or work within a geohazard area.

Submit your permit application

The current wait time for reviewing and issuing permits is a minimum of four to six months. Permits are processed on a first-come, first-served basis, so please plan your work accordingly.

Please wait. Your application is being submitted...

All fields with a red * are required.

Applicant information

(e.g. V4N 0E8)

Location of work

Please specify where the work will take place:

(e.g. V4N 0E8)
(e.g. V4N 0E8)

An Engineering Assessment will be required if any of the following conditions occur:

  • Any section of the Transmission Pressure (TP) Gas Pipeline will be exposed. The only exception is Hydro Vac Test Holes. For Hydro Vac Test Holes, the Transmission Pressure (TP) Gas Pipeline must not be exposed for a horizontal length greater than 1 meter. Hydro Vac Test Holes will be for locating purposes only.
  • Any Temporary Equipment Crossing will be over the Transmission Pressure (TP) Gas Pipeline or parallel within a FortisBC right-of-way.

Internal application

Please note ROW inspectors require a lead time of 7 calendar days.

Types of work

work on agricultural lands such as vineyards, orchards and agricultural crops

work that involves the installation and/or clearing of ditches and swales
Ditch/swale clearing
New ditch/swale installation and re-profiling existing

work that involves the installation of any type of fence, including gates

work that involves adding fill or removing soil

work that involves doing environmental study, confirming gas pipeline location and depth of cover
Hydro Vac Test Hole will be for locating purposes only
Hydro Vac Test Hole

work that involves laying sod, planting and other landscaping activities
if Underground Irrigation Lines need to be installed, please select Irrigation under Underground services and activities

work that involves any above ground, overhead service lines

work that involves the construction of roads, parking lots, driveways, and multi-use pathways
Paving new

work that involves the installation of signs and billboards within the vicinity of a FortisBC pipeline
FortisBC does not allow signs within a FortisBC pipeline right-of-way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

work that involves clearing shrubs, trees, vegetation and other materials

work that involves the installation of block walls, retaining walls, temporary storage, RV pads, temporary working spaces, rail tracks, creek and tower restoration, bus shelters, preloading and rip rapping

work that involves the installation and removal of temporary vehicle crossings
Information Required for Assessment of Temporary Equipment Crossings
  • Site pictures and drawings of proposed locations of temporary equipment crossings.
  • UTM or lat/long coordinates of proposed locations of temporary equipment crossings.
  • Depth of cover above the gas pipeline (hydro vac) information at proposed locations of temporary equipment crossings. The applicant should submit a permit application for hydro-vac under investigative works through the automated permit system at www.fortisbc.com/rightofway. The hydro vac permit will be issued within 72 hours.
  • Soils report / Geotechnical report.
  • Please fill out the FBC Vehicle Equipment Specification Form.

Please confirm that a hydro vac test hole was conducted to confirm location and depth of the gas pipeline at crossing locations.

Have you submitted the following?

work that involves underground utilities such as conduits, sewer, water, storm, manholes, catch basins, monitoring wells, pole installation and pole replacement

FortisBC does not allow the following underground infrastructures within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you're unsure if you're in the right of way, call 1-877-599-0996.

- Anchor
- Catch basin
- Chamber
- Junction box
- Lawn basin
- Manhole
- Pole installation
- Service box

(Note: Please be aware that if you click No, FortisBC pipeline shall not be exposed and must maintain a minimum 1 foot (300 mm) of cover around the gas pipeline at all times)
Catch basin
Communication conduit

FortisBC does not allow underground utilities running parallel within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

FortisBC does not allow underground utilities running parallel within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.


FortisBC does not allow underground utilities running parallel within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

FortisBC does not allow underground utilities running parallel within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.


FortisBC does not allow underground utilities running parallel within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

FortisBC does not allow underground utilities running parallel within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

Fibre optic cable conduit

FortisBC does not allow underground utilities running parallel within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

FortisBC does not allow underground utilities running parallel within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

Gas pipeline

FortisBC does not allow underground utilities running parallel within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

FortisBC does not allow underground utilities running parallel within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.


FortisBC does not allow underground utilities running parallel within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

FortisBC does not allow underground utilities running parallel within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

Junction box
Lawn basin
Oil pipeline

FortisBC does not allow underground utilities running parallel within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

FortisBC does not allow underground utilities running parallel within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

Pole installation
Pole replacement
Sanitary sewer

FortisBC does not allow underground utilities running parallel within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

FortisBC does not allow underground utilities running parallel within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

Service box
Storm sewer

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

FortisBC does not allow underground utilities running parallel within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

Street light conduit

FortisBC does not allow underground utilities running parallel within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

FortisBC does not allow underground utilities running parallel within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.


FortisBC does not allow underground utilities running parallel within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.

FortisBC does not allow underground utilities running parallel within a FortisBC transmission pressure (TP) pipeline right of way. However, FortisBC will review the application.

If you are unsure if you are in the right of way, please contact 1-877-599-0996.


  • Please make sure you have filled all mandatory fields and answered all relevant questions. If not, you might lose your attachments when you click submit.
  • A drawing or sketch must be submitted with your application that illustrates the location and extent of your works in relation to the FortisBC pipeline and right of way.
  • Please attach all maps from your BC 1 Call ticket.
  • Total size of attachments may not exceed 100MB.

Accepted format: DWG, GIF, JPEG, JPG, PDF, PNG, TIF, TIFF
Maximum size of total attachments: 100MB
Please ensure the file name do not contain any special character [~ # % & { } , + ..].

    Please confirm your acknowledgement of additional fees that may be incurred by the applicant/permit holder for a pipeline site inspection that goes beyond the first work week, which FortisBC will cover. Understand the details.


    This form constitutes an application only. No work shall commence until a permit has been issued. All work must be constructed in accordance with the conditions set forth in the permit.


    Please confirm you would like to receive electronic communications from FortisBC.


    Please note: if you do not agree to receive electronic communication from FortisBC, we will not be able to provide your permit in an electronic format. Instead, please call us at 1-877-599-0996.

    1Pursuant to the Oil and Gas Activities Act of British Columbia and/or the Statutory Right of Way agreement.