FortisBC Energy Inc. gas tariffs: Mainland, Vancouver Island and Whistler

Please select from the links below to access the gas tariff information you would like to review.

  • General terms and conditions includes detailed information about our terms and conditions
  • Residential rate for single-family residences and separately metered multi-family residences
  • Residential rate for single-family residences and separately metered multi-family residences using a licensed marketer
  • Renewable natural gas rate for single-family residences and separately metered multi-family residences
  • Rate 2 Small commercial rate for businesses with consumption of less than 2,000 GJ annually
  • Rate 2RNG Small commercial renewable natural gas rate for businesses with consumption of less than 2,000 GJ annually
  • Rate 2U Small commercial rate for businesses using a licensed marketer with consumption of less than 2,000 GJ annually
  • Rate 3 Large commercial rate for businesses with consumption of greater than 2,000 GJ annually
  • Rate 3RNG Large commercial renewable natural gas rate for businesses with consumption of greater than 2,000 GJ annually
  • Rate 3U Large commercial rate for businesses using a licensed marketer with consumption of greater than 2,000 GJ annually
  • Rate 3VRNG Large commercial vehicle renewable natural gas rate for Natural Gas Vehicle Customers with an annual consumption at one Premises of greater than 2,000 GJ annually, for use in vehicles, including marine vehicles
  • Rate 4 Off-peak seasonal service for businesses consuming natural gas primarily during the off-peak period (Apr 1 to Oct 31)
  • Rate 5 General firm service rate for large volume commercial, institutional, multi-family and other accounts with consumption of approximately 5,000 GJ or more annually
  • Rate 5RNG General firm renewable natural gas rate for the sale of firm gas, no portion of which may be resold, through one meter station to a customer
  • Rate 5VRNG General firm vehicle renewable natural gas rate for Natural Gas Vehicle Customers for the sale of firm Gas, no portion of which may be resold, through one meter station to a Customer
  • Rate 6 Natural gas vehicle service rate for companies that retail natural gas to customers with natural gas vehicles or fleet customers that use natural gas for their own fleet
  • Rate 6P Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) fuelling service available to the general public at the FortisBC Energy Inc. Surrey operations centre
  • Rate 7 Interruptible service rate for large volume customers that have the ability to switch to an alternate energy source
  • Rate 7RNG Interruptible service renewable natural gas rate for large volume customers that have the ability to switch to an alternate energy source
  • Rate 11RNG On-system interruptible sales rate for customers entering into a contract for the short-term sale and purchase of biomethane
  • Rate 14A Gas sales rate for customers on a firm basis for more than 30 days or spot gas sales rate for customers on a firm basis for 30 days or less
  • Rate 22 Large volume transportation rate for customers that may be curtailed if adequate capacity to accommodate the customers’ request for gas is not available (e.g. pulp mills, hospitals)
  • Rate 22A Transportation service rate for the Inland service area for the provision of firm and interruptible transportation services through one meter station to specific large industrial shippers
  • Rate 22B Transportation service rate for the Columbia service area for the provision of firm and interruptible transportation service through one meter station to specific large industrial shippers
  • Rate 23 Large commercial transportation rate for customers purchasing gas directly from a licensed marketer with consumption of greater than 2,000 GJ annually
  • Rate 25 General firm transportation service rate for large volume commercial, institutional, multi-family and other accounts purchasing gas directly from a licensed marketer with consumption of approximately 5,000 GJ or more annually
  • Rate 26 Natural gas vehicle transportation service rate for customers with consumption of greater than 2,000 GJ annually that will only use the gas to fuel vehicles
  • Rate 27 Interruptible transportation service rate for large volume customers purchasing gas directly from a licensed marketer that have the ability to switch to an alternate energy source
  • Rate 30 Off-system interruptible sales rate for customers entering into a contract for the short-term sale and purchase of natural gas
  • Rate 36 Commodity unbundling service rate for FortisBC Energy Inc. to purchase a quantity of gas from a marketer that is about equal to load requirements for customers enrolled under rate schedule 1U, 2U or 3U, including the billing by FortisBC Energy Inc. of these customers
  • Rate 46 LNG service provided by FortisBC Energy from the LNG facilities. This rate schedule also applies to the optional LNG transportation service if a customer elects such optional service.
  • Rate 50 Firm Transportation Service and Interruptible Transportation Service provided by FortisBC Energy through its System and through one meter station to one Shipper, except as previously agreed upon by Shipper and FortisBC Energy.