Our Statement of Indigenous Principles

Twenty years ago, we developed our formal Statement of Indigenous Principles with input, guidance and direction from several Indigenous leaders across B.C.

FortisBC is committed to building effective Indigenous relationships and to ensuring we have the structure, resources and skills necessary to maintain these relationships. To meet this commitment, the actions of the company and its employees will be guided by the following principles:

  • FortisBC companies acknowledge, respect and understand that Indigenous Peoples have unique histories, cultures, protocols, values, beliefs and governments.
  • FortisBC supports fair and equal access to employment and business opportunities within FortisBC companies for Indigenous Peoples.
  • FortisBC will develop fair, accessible employment practices and plans that ensure Indigenous Peoples are considered fairly for employment opportunities within FortisBC.
  • FortisBC will strive to attract Indigenous employees, consultants and contractors and business partnerships.
  • FortisBC is committed to dialogue through clear and open communication with Indigenous communities on an ongoing and timely basis for the mutual interest and benefit of both parties.
  • FortisBC encourages awareness and understanding of Indigenous issues within its work force, industry and communities where it operates.
  • To achieve better understanding and appreciation of Indigenous culture, values and beliefs, FortisBC is committed to educating its employees regarding Indigenous issues, interests and goals.
  • FortisBC will ensure that when interacting with Indigenous Peoples, its employees, consultants and contractors demonstrate respect, and understanding of Indigenous Peoples’ culture, values and beliefs.
  • To give effect to these principles, each of FortisBC's business units will develop, in dialogue with Indigenous communities, plans specific to their circumstances.