Fuelling station design and construction services

We have extensive experience designing, constructing and commissioning compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuelling stations.

Map of natural gas fuelling stations in B.C.

Types of CNG stations

Depending on your specific needs, we may recommend one or a combination of the following stations on your site:

  • Metered fast-fill: suitable for fleets that operate around the clock and require operators to fill up quickly and return to work. The fast-fill dispenser measures the amount of fuel dispensed.
  • Unmetered fast-fill: suitable for fleets that require on-demand refuelling but don’t need to measure the amount of fuel dispensed.
  • Metered time-fill: for return-to-base fleets where vehicles are parked and can be refuelled over an extended period of time, and where the amount of fuel dispensed needs to be measured.
  • Unmetered time-fill: recommended for return-to-base fleets where vehicles are parked and can be refuelled over an extended period of time, and where the amount of fuel dispensed does not need to be measured.

Mobile and permanent LNG stations

Since LNG is transported in liquid form, station design depends on the amount of on-site storage required and the logistics associated with transporting the LNG from our facility to the fuelling station.

There are two types of LNG stations we may recommend:

  • Mobile station: a flexible and scalable solution based on your fuelling requirements where LNG is transported from our production facility to your site and the mobile unit is refuelled as often as you require.
  • Permanent station: appropriate for a large fleet with steady and predictable volume demand where LNG is delivered periodically to your site by LNG tank truck.

Questions? We’re here to help. 

Email us at [email protected]